GOP expected to implode before Earth explodes

The End of Times — Although the world's greatest astrophysicists —for some reason— haven't been able to figure out when will be the exact moment when the Asteroid will hit, they are pretty sure it will happen sometime after the GOP has imploded. "Theoretically, when fecal matter impacts a spinning object, it is quite likely that you'll end up with shit in your soup," explained NASA scientist, Mario Vitelli.

"I don't need no mumbojumbo study from no scientist telling me the GOP is crumbling from the inside," said Joe the Plumber during a presser after the Nevada primary, "it's all those Mexicans that have been screwing their way into our country and our beloved Party."

Joe Six-Pack also reacted to the news: "The great days of Palinism are long gone. I still remember when you could make fun of a fag, chase away a spick with a shotgun, or hang a ni... I mean, a darky. Can't even say that word no more! Damn it! What happened to the Old Party? It's time to make it Grand, again."