Dina, 19, was born in Damascus, and she lived there until she was 15. Then she moved to Dubai to study journalism, and then went back to Syria when the revolution started. She worked with some NGOs helping internal refugees in her country, however, she kept dreaming about becoming a journalist.

Europe was never on her plans, as she had lived a good life in Syria up to that point. But since the war broke out, doors started to close in the middle east: like many, she went to Turkey and stayed there for a while, but life wasn’t easy. She was set on continuing her studies, and attending a Turkish university was not an option for a migrant like her. One day, her friends from Syria arrived at her house in Istanbul and convinced her to join them on their one-way trip to Europe. So she took a boat to Greece, then travelled through Serbia, Macedonia, Croatia, Slovenia, and Austria, before finally reaching Germany.